[Prev| Next| Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Raleigh Myers SOLD OUT FOR SIX GOLD BARS By Raleigh Myers "Sold out for six gold bars" TELECOM BILL PROTEST Lets bombard them with protest. How many class action law suits can we muster at two to three million $ cost to the government apiece? It is almost worthless to appeal to the congress since they almost all voted for it. But it is our duty to see that none of them get reelected next year. This task should be easier now that we have a plain view of organized usury's SELL OUT THE UNBORN agenda and no amount of campaign blabber can erase their record of traitorism. With a view into the future we need to put our attention to the development of the broadband wireless personal and community nets free from the control of the marauding politicos. This latest invasion of the population by the government could be our war cry to dump representative oligarchy ie. "Our Representatives are Traitors to humanity". "Sold out for six gold bars" as Gore(shame) Stated in his Earth in the balance. We can take notice in a chapter in the `Balance' p294 comparing the CREEPing fascism we now experiencing with the rise of Hitler in the thirties. It states "But too many ignored the early warnings in June 1936. Salassie said that he wanted both to describe the atrocities against his people and to make it plain that the rest of the world would soon face the same aggression. He came , he said, to "give Europe a warning of the doom that awaits it if it should bow down before the accomplished fact. God and history will remember your judgment" This attempt at censorship in the telecom bill is just a part of the ongoing onslaught of organized usury's agenda to thwart the people's ability to protest the liquidation of the planet ie. evicting the unborn. Truly "The Earth in the Balance" ie. CREEPing fascism This violation of personal sovereignty was passed by a default a congress where less than ten percent of the voting public elected the fascist regime that sponsored this `rape of the population'. And the president failed his pledge as I mentioned in the enclosed protest sent to the president vice president newspapers etc.. You send yours too don't forget your newspaper TV Radio station etc. and lets take note of those who did not run it!!! This is the time for `spam' to become a house hold word. email me for media email lists It is also time to seriously begin to think of referenda, the alternative to representative oligarchy. see FEDERAL AID to encourage a meat diet CYBER PROJECT igc:p.news igc:p.news.discuss usenet:misc.activism.progressive. In Solidarity Raleigh ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- To: Email:president@whitehouse.gov Subject: YOU SOLD US OUT Reply-to: ramyers@igc.apc.org Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 08:47:58 You sold us out to organized usury by not refusing to void the telecom bill of censorship! In the campaign, the airwaves and the Internet were to be commons, now you gave them away to the usury freaks. Shame shame shame. Citizen Raleigh RALEIGH MYERS GEER........................ RA ENERGY FDN............. ramyers@igc.apc.org ..................................FOLKSAY(people say) .........................THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND, THIS LAND IS MY LAND ..............................THIS LAND IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME .................................The Global Village anthem ............................sung by those who already voted see HYDROGEN THE GANDHI STRATEGY http://lablinks.com/sumeria/politics/ghandi.html THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS ..is the reality at hand! The children of the universe, the right to be here generation ie. the meek taking their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]